Welcome to William Blount Band
William Blount High School Band is an award-winning high school Marching Band, Concert Band, and Color Guard located in Maryville, Tennessee. We are deeply dedicated to our amazing music programs and currently boast a membership of nearly 100+ high school music students.
We compete and perform at venues all over the region and have a dedicated staff that guides and encourages our students. We set high expectations for ourselves and they always rise to the occasion.
Our supportive parent community, the William Blount Band Boosters, works to raise funds that support our efforts, making it possible for us to continue to provide an excellent band experience for all.
Your future begins here.
Welcome to the family!
Benefits of Joining Band
Band members share a common spirit of pride, enthusiasm, and devotion to the band that extends far beyond their four years of high school. In addition to the highest quality, rigorous musical instruction there are many other benefits to joining band.
Band provides leadership training to all interested students, with opportunities for further in-depth training for selected students.
Learn the value of working together and come to understand how your individual effort impacts the group as a whole.
The band is an expansive and highly integrated social community, where you will make friendships that will last a lifetime.
Band encourages habits and choices that move students towards excellence through a rich and diverse range of opportunities in and out of the classroom.
Participate in once-in-a-lifetime adventures to cities like New York and New Orleans to experience different cultural activities.
The experience of performing on the field and on stage provides an invaluable opportunity to build a sense of pride and self-confidence.

The TRADITION continues...

The TRADITION continues!
William Blount Band is an award-winning high school marching, concert band, and Color Guard located in Maryville, Tennessee. We are deeply dedicated to our amazing music programs and currently boast a membership of over 100 high school music students.